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FULL-SERVICE SHOPPER Start earning money fast and be your own boss. Become an Instacart Shopper. Instacart is a leading retail enablement platform that works with grocers and retailers to transform how people shop. Instacart s platform helps people get groceries, home essentials, and more from their favorite local stores. Shoppers deliver convenience and excellent service to people in their neighborhood. Set your own schedule, choose the areas where you want to shop, and earn money towards your financial goals. There s never been a better time to become a shopper-sign up today. As an... more ->
Please note, this position is located at Blue Mountain Resort in The Blue Mountains, Ontario. Seasonal (Seasonal) WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME? Resort Perks: Free Alterra Mountain Pass for employees; ski or ride for free at 14 Alterra owned destinations! Alterra Mountain Passes for your family Discounts on Blue Mountain Lift tickets. Free rentals; Staff priced meals &Starbucks treats; Staff room rates at all our hotels; Retail savings at Burton, Columbia, North Face, Red Devil, Hillside, and more! HOURLY RATE- $19.53 FULL/PART TIME HOURS 4-5 shifts a week 7:45am-4:30pm 12:45pm- 9:30pm 3:45pm-9:30pm... more ->